Sunday, March 11, 2007

my sewing room

Last year, my wonderful hubby gave me my own sewing room. He wasn't my hubby at the time, but it was wonderful of him nonetheless. It helps that we have a 3-bedroom house for just the two of us...I'm sure once we have kids, I'll be giving up my beloved room; but in the meantime I'm going to make the most of it.

Sadly, just before our wedding last June, my sewing room became a staging room for the wedding supplies - and then a storage room when we redecorated the downstairs portion of the house. This weekend I got industrious and cleaned out the entire room and put my sewing room back together. I needed to do homework and laundry and a myriad of other chores, but I dedicated the weekend to my sewing room. I even went so far as to re-organize and inventory my entire fabric stash. Not only do I have 5 under-bed plastic storage bins full of fabric (although one of them is my scrap box), I have an entire bedroom armoire FULL. I also have an entire inventory of the fabrics in my stash, including widths, lengths, content, color, special notes about the fabric, etc.

I went through all of my patterns and reorganized those as well. I decided to use the plastic storage bins that previously held my patterns and relocate them to manila folder pockets. They are now safely in the file cabinet. All that is left to do is move a bookshelf from another room and a desk from the garage.

This room also gives me the perfect wall to hang this great drawing of a pair of jeans my mom did when I was in high school. I'll post pictures as soon as it's totally done :)

1 comment:

Gorgeous Things said...

Having a sewing room is an absolute must, and what a wonderful DH. Enjoy it! When we added on to our house 9 years ago, a sewing room was a must for both DH and me. He needed to be able to get away from my sewing stuff.