Tuesday, June 5, 2007

in need of some structure

I haven't really been posting much - or even very active on the various boards - because I haven't been around much. I have a math final that I'm taking tomorrow and then Thursday afternoon my husband and I will be leaving town to travel to Oregon for my 10-year high school reunion this weekend. Once that's over I'll be back to a somewhat normal schedule (except for the many weddings I have to attend over the summer and into fall).

After reading many of my favorite blogs I've come to the realization that mine needs a little more structure than it currently has. I originally just wanted this to be my place to talk about whatever with my fiber arts in the forefront, but I have another blog for the "whatever". This one will be 100% focused on projects - past, future and in progress.

I already have my "plan of attack" for how it will work and I'll get started as soon as I get home from Oregon.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

dawn said...

Why should you impose a limiting structure on yourself? It's your blog and the common theme is your personality. Not that there's anything wrong with having more than one blog, many do. But I don't think you should compare yourself to others' blogs and feel lacking in anyway. It's yours...that's the beauty of it!